Friday, June 21, 2013


Twitter: Simple and Short, and Spontaneous 

Exploring twitter was very fun and exciting for me because it was the simplest social media platform to discover. Twitter allows users to tweet quick statements on their pages and keep an active conversations with followers back and forth. The interactions and connections for twitter go beyond personal accounts, but also a variety of organizations.

The amount of characters allowed per tweet is limited to 140 characters can create a few problems for organizations because they have to communicate their information to users in 140 characters or less. This can become a complicated task because their tweets have to be attractive for users to re-tweet again and again on a constant basis.

According to Twitter Brand Best Practices, it discusses several ways organization can become successful in using Twitter as a resource. One very important practice mentioned was building your twitter equity and credibility because users how to know that the information you are providing is trustworthy information. You have to be able to develop your twitter profile reputation as a trusted source and be seen as an expert in particular subjects creatively to continue reaching your followers.

This is beneficial for health organizations because it build their brand and allows them to improve their presence on twitter.  @CareTeam provides a lot of helpful prevention methods to avoid contracting the HIV disease. Majority of their post are fun and creative to helping users make healthier decisions every day. They post videos and events for users to join and participate in basically daily motivation for users to stay protected and healthy.

I really enjoyed exploring the many twitter profiles and how they creatively designed their tweets to attract followers in such a small character amount. According to the Health Works Collective article, it talks about how Tweet Chat takes a great presence in organizations being successful. These chats reflect the following:

·   Planning
 ·    Preparing
·     Promoting
·   Publish

All in which are beneficial for growing an organization locally and globally. This allows users to have immediate access to companies and answer any questions or concerns that patients may have without having to visit their offices in person.

Twitter is constantly growing every day and there is no limit amount of followers or amount of posts that you are allowed to tweet. I like twitter because it is a simple, short, and spontaneous site that is easy to explore, not only for personal uses, but for expanding organizations also.

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